Dark souls pc keyboard controls
Dark souls pc keyboard controls

Apart from its good performance, Dark Souls PC suffers from all kinds of issues. The answer to that question is simple – From Software didn’t put any effort – at all – in polishing this particular version of Dark Souls. Why, oh why then didn’t they fix the internal resolution issue? As we can see, the game is not THAT demanding. The big question now is why From Software did not unlock the game’s internal resolution? Let’s assume that it would take them a lot of effort to unlock Dark Souls framerate (it is said that the game is locked at 30fps due to some hard coded animations). In fact, Dark Souls PC was not even stressing our simulated dual-core CPU, meaning that PC gamers won’t need a top of the line PC system to enjoy From Software’s title. Our Q9650 was hardly used and we didn’t notice any performance hit when we simulated a dual-core system. The same can be also said about Dark Souls PC’s CPU requirements.

dark souls pc keyboard controls

Even though we used this – really – high resolution, Dark Souls PC did not slowdown and our GPU usage (on GTX 295’s single core) was averaging around 60-80%. Durante’s mod comes also with SMAA support and those interested can push the internal resolution to high levels and then downsample it on their monitor’s native resolution. As you may have heard, NeoGAF’s member Durante has unlocked the internal resolution of Dark Souls PC and we highly recommend using his configuration tool/mod. Even though there is no SLI profile for this title yet, the game ran with constant 30fps at 2560×1440 (internal resolution) and with max settings.

dark souls pc keyboard controls

For our Performance Analysis, we used an overclocked Q9650 (4.2Ghz) with 4GB RAM, an Nvidia GTX295, Windows 7-64Bit and the latest version of GeForce drivers.

dark souls pc keyboard controls

And if you believe that From Software was able to develop a game from scratch and could not find the global values of the on-screen button indicators or the resolution lock mechanism, then you are a fool. Even if they’re not familiar with our platform, it’s not that hard to remove some console features that were put on purpose. It’s true that From Software is not familiar with the PC platform but there is no excuse for what they’re currently offering us. It’s really ironic criticizing a game that we got out of nowhere, however Dark Souls PC seems like a quick cash-in and nothing more. Well, today we are bringing you the worst console port of this year, that is no other than Namco’s Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition. Last week we took a look at one of the best console ports of 2012, Square Enix’s Sleeping Dogs.

Dark souls pc keyboard controls