The most notable action Daniel can do is jump. There are also actions such as jump, crouch, lean and interact. Movement is pretty straight forward in The Dark Descent - you can move forward, backwards and diagonally. It's recommended to join the discussion in #the-dark-descent over at the HPL Games Speedrunning Discord server to get well acquainted with the community. This guide aims to make you self-sufficient when it comes to how to learn glitches and techniques, and where to look. Welcome to the world of Amnesia: The Dark Descent speedrunning! Whether you're a veteran or brand new speedrunner, it can be difficult to find good up-to-date information and guides on how to approach speedruns of this game. To launch the game, simply run Amnesia_NoSteam.exe.

Under Compatibility mode, check the box that says Run this program in compatibility mode for: and select an older version of Windows (most select Windows 7).